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Gift Aid for Mosques

During the Covid19 crisis Mosques suffered as they had to close and there was no Government support available.


Despite this, many Mosques played a vital role. They managed Covid19 safe funeral prayers, promoted spiritual wellbeing using online facilities and supported the vulnerable in the community by reaching out to them.


The pandemic crisis has highlighted the importance of maximising the support available from Government. Gift Aid is one of the main way, the Government supports charities – Mosques often lose out by not having the systems in place to make the correct gift aid claims.


Even bucket donations collected during Friday prayers can attract gift aid with the right systems in place.


Our live webinar is designed to address the knowledge gap. We have joined up with Grant Thornton Tax experts who have direct experience in helping a Mosque claim significant funds in Gift Aid.


The webinar will be hosted by our Founder Director Nasir Rafiq, a widely experienced financial governance expert that helps many charities of all sizes and types within the Muslim Charity sector.


Date: Thursday 2 Sept, 6-7pm, Registration link


A copy of the recording is available. Please email for a copy with following details:


1) Name

2) Contact email

3) Organisation name